ray ban small http://blog.piktureplanet.com/wp-includes/theme-compat/us.php?p=91 liên hệ mở đại lý

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Thông tin liên hệ mở đại lý

Người liên hệ :ray ban small http://blog.piktureplanet.com/wp-includes/theme-compat/us.php?p=91

Ngày liên hệ :22/08/2015

Liên hệ :Mở đại lý

Email :sdelqzfawi@gmail.com

Địa chỉ :ray ban small

Điện thoại :ray ban small

Nội dung liên hệ :”Mostly inexpensive items, mixed with the occasional, more expensive bits seem to work,” he muses. His top three accessories of all time are his black frame glasses, pocket squares and bowties, with his current most beloved accessory being a madras bowtie he found in New York. Micallef, who describes his mode of dress as “conservative downlow,” confesses to being very picky when it comes to shopping, and shuns vintage finds. “I can’t get over the creepiness of wearing somebody else’s clothes,” he admits. “It’s just too intimate.”

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