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Thông tin liên hệ mở đại lý

Người liên hệ :popular girl jordan shoes http://bestappliancesreview.com/?key=popular-girl-jordan-shoes

Ngày liên hệ :20/12/2014

Liên hệ :Mở đại lý

Email :rmppukmss@gmail.com

Địa chỉ :popular girl jordan shoes

Điện thoại :popular girl jordan shoes

Nội dung liên hệ :After learning about this poisoning technique from family members, I did an internet search and found that many people use this exact same method. I did not find anybody else however who referred to it as “Coon Die Soon.” There is a Fly Bait product made by Starbar called Golden Malrin. This is the poison that will kill the raccoon almost instantly. It can be purchased at farm supply stores like Tractor Supply or Family Farm Home, or ordered from the internet. You simply mix this bait with a cola like Coke or Pepsi. The raccoon will drink the mixture and in most cases won’t get more than a couple of feet from the bowl before it dies. The raccoon will be drawn to the sweet smell of the cola and will drink the entire bowl if it can before it dies. The measurements for how much poison and how much cola are not an exact science. Let’s just say that if I were to try this method, I would buy my 1 pound can of Golden Malrin at Family Farm Home. I would pour about a third of the can into a large empty butter bowl and then fill it the rest of the way up with Coke. I might then stir the mixture with a stick and discard the stick into the trash immediately where no children or pets could possibly get to it.

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